Your talent is worth the money
The best way for content creators to make money
and connect with the audience
Subscription levels
Access to private chats
Blog stats
Private posts
How it works?
$ 40 per month
You will get access to all released episodes and will be able to watch new ones as soon as they are released.
step 1
Customize your page and subscription levels
Sign up and set up your Boosty profile. Consider subscription levels, from the cheapest to the VIP. Each level offers special benefits to your fans. Think about what you really can give regularly and what your fans will be happy about. Do not complicate!
step 2
Tell your followers that you now have a profile on Boosty
Post in all your social networks to notify your subscribers. Boosty is a place where a special relationship appears between you and your most active fans - those who want something more than just following you on social networks.
Ashley Graham @Ashleygram
Hi all! You can now support me on Boosty.
Thomas Durward
I'll be happy to support you!
Anne Campbell
Cool! Will there be bonuses for subscribers?
Exclusive content for my subscribers
step 3
Be active and attentive to your subscribers
Post about updates on the Boosty page on your social networks to attract more subscribers.
Earn money with us
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Why us?
Worldwide secure payments
The minimum fee. Subscription Model
You are the only one who sets prices and decides what to offer subscribers
We take care of all technical issues. Protection and support 24/7
How much will I earn?
Enter your estimated number of Boosty subscribers:
Enter the subscription price:
At a subscription level cost of $ 200, you'll earn:
180 000 USD/month
After service and payment systems fees
What can I offer?
Most popular options:
Early access to content
Impact on future content
Exclusive content
Private group or secret chat membership
Extra content
Everything your subscribers will like
How to use?
You can offer subscribers:
Early access to videos
Exclusive videos
Unpublished moments
Join now!
Time to go on a new level of relationships with your most active fans
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